Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A big “NO” for a gluten “homeopathic remedy”

I have been sent this query from one of my medical colleagues:

“Have you heard of this product? Apparently it's homeopathic. They make some amazing claims. I'm being asked about this and wanted to know if you had any experience/thoughts.”

My reply: “Yes, interesting stuff, however I remain the skeptic.

I have seen this product advertised on the Internet. I have spent some time looking at the website. They claim that this is a “one time treatment” and that once you have taken the course of capsules that you will be able to eat gluten from then on.

I think that this is most unlikely. I am surprised that they are looking at changes in the IgA-anti-gliadin levels.   This is the stool test from enterolab.   I do not have any experience using this assay.

I would be very surprised if someone with celiac disease could start eating gluten after a course of these tablets.

Their conclusion is: ”Although much  more  work  needs  to  be  done  to  prove  the  efficacy  of  this  remedy,   this  pilot  study  indicates  that  some,  if  not  all,  of  the  ingredients  in  this  preparation   may  be  useful  in  helping  the  estimated  the  20  million  people  in  the  United  States   who  have  Gluten  Intolerance.”

They are making a big claim with almost no data.  I would like to see this tested on someone with full celiac disease and see what happens to the celiac markers over a year.  I am sure that very few celiacs would agree to take gluten again.

I would not recommend this product for my patients.
Gluten does a lot of bad things and taking a homeopathic “remedy” for this seems fool-hardy.”
Stay off gluten - the message from me is go ZERO gluten - do not fool yourself with any "quick fix". "If it looks too good to be true - then it IS too good to be true." 

So it is a big “NO” from me.

Cheers Rodney

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Celiac nightmares

Newly diagnosed celiac disease.  Rick is 30-year-old.  No energy! He told me about his lifetime history "tiredness".  As a child, his parents called him lazy. This was because he just did not have the energy to do all of the things that he was asked to do. He has fought this by doing more exercise and eating healthy diet (but this meant more gluten!).  But he still feels so tired.  But he thinks he is normal!
Rick has been troubled with horrific nightmares. He has a sore tummy and runny stool. His brother is skinny, and his father has quit eating bread.
Rick’s blood tests show that he definitely has celiac disease. He will feel so much better on a gluten-free diet. He is excited to start the changes.
Did you know that about 1 in 50 people who are chronically unwell might have celiac disease, and many others have gluten sensitivity.

If you are sick, tired or grumpy - get a gluten test.
Dr Rodney Ford

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Gluten sensitive vs celiac - as serious?

Asked: "Would a person with non-celiac-gluten-sensitivity as serious a condition as celiac disease?"

Answered: "Good question. They are both serious diseases. Celiac sufferers get gut damage from gluten that can be seen by a microscope (called villus atrophy) and they are more likely to get mal-absorption of vitamins and minerals. 

However, gluten-sensitive people can get severe symptoms anywhere, and get extremely sick from gluten - but they do not get the gut tissue damage. As yet there is no single test that is accurate enough to make a diagnosis on all gluten-sensitive people. Often relies on a trial of GF foods." 

Both groups need the same treatment - zero gluten
Author of The Gluten Syndrome