Sunday, August 15, 2010

What is the difference between gluten and gliadin?

Hi everyone. I am associate Professor, medical doctor, paediatrician (children's doctor). I have done a lot of studies about problems related to food allergy, gluten-sensitivity (the gluten syndrome), coeliac disease, and gastroenterology problems. I am also known as the medical food doctor!

Today I will be sharing with you some facts about the difference between gluten and gliadin:

Technically, gluten is the protein that is left behind after all the starch is washed away from wheat flour. However, gluten is actually made up of two main groups of proteins: the gliadins and the glutenins.

When these gluten proteins are digested, they are broken down into much smaller pieces (these are called peptide chains).

Unfortunately, several of these peptide chains are harmful to those who are gluten-sensitive or who are celiacs. These peptides can cause damage when they are put directly into the small intestine. An unusual feature of these gluten peptides is that they are relatively resistant to digestion in your gut.

There are similar peptide chains in all of the gluten-grains: wheat, rye and barley. Of interest, , the oat proteins have slightly different peptide chains (avenin) – so these are not usually harmful to celiac patients.

When we talk about a “gluten-free” diet, we are actually talking about our food being completely free of these harmful peptides from wheat, barley, and rye.

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If you're suffering from those symptoms and you're not sure if you have a food allergy or not please contact me or leave me a comment.

TAGS: gluten free, food allergy, food, allergy, skin, common, babies rash, babies allergies, gluten

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